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Kategorie: Englisch Oberstufe
Diese Beiträge passen gut zum Stoff der in Englisch in der Oberstufe (AHS, HAK, HTL, HaSch, usw.) wird.
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The Time Machine by H. G. Wells
Hier entsteht eine Vokabelliste zu dem Buch „The Time Machine“ von H. G. Wells!
to vanish down a shaft – einen Schacht hinunter verschwinden
to light a match – ein Streichholz anzĂĽnden
to regarde somebody steadfastly – jemanden ansehen, ohne den Blick abzuwenden
to retreat – zurĂĽckweichen/ sich zurĂĽckziehen
to clamber/ climb down the wall – die Wand hinunter klettern
to disappear – verschwinden
to sit peering down a well – hockend einen Schacht/ Senke hinunter starren
What is culture? – American Culture with the Cimorellis (Part 2)
In the first part of „What is culture?“ you got to know all about culture! How you can define what a culture is, what the markers and artefacts of a certain culture are and so on…
This is the second part of the „What is culture?„-series. In this part you watch a music-clip called „Made in America“ by the famous American girl band Cimorelli.
In this clip you find a lot of cultural markers and artefacts which are typical for the American culture. What are these? Which ideals and typical pattern do you find in this clip?
Exercise: Write it down in the comments below, what you found out about culture in the music-video „Made in America“ by the American girl band Cimorelli!
A hint if you are new into Culture Studies to and try to solve the exercise: Do you know something about the so-called American Dream and the Independence Day, the 4th of July?
What is culture? What is it about? (Part 1)
Was ist Kultur? Um was geht es bei Kultur?
Hier ein spannendes Youtube-Video zum Thema „Englische Kulturwissenschaften“:
Was ist Kultur? Um was geht es bei Kultur?
- the culture = die Kultur
- the cultures = die Kulturen
- the subculture = die Subkultur
- the counterculture = die Gegenbewegung
- the distinction = der Unterschied
- the distinctions = die Unterschiede
- the mainstream cutlure = die Mainstream-Kultur
- the melting pot – der Schmelztiegel
Go to the second part of „What is Culture?“ and find out more about the American Culture with the Cimorellis!